Do you know the game Schleichfahrt (Archimedean Dynasty)? Well it was one of my favorite futuristic submarine games I played when I was young(er).
I always wanted to create something similar in a more modern look and feel. After many many years of trying and working with different engines, creating tech demos and prototypes I came to the conclusion that this is something beyond my capabilities in terms of time I have. Yes I could do something like that but probably it would take ages to complete.
I’m going to do a 2d game in a dystopic, dark future where mankind had to move below the surface after a terrible nuclear war devastated the surface of earth. As the visibility below the surface is nil anyway I will keep focused much more on story, trading, crafting. As you simply cannot see anything the most important contact to the outside world will be your sonar. Oh and you will have a crew and I plan to do walkable stations as well – kind of a roguelike-like.